
Van Monster Explains Benefits of Living in a Van (Infographic)

Considering the high rental prices in London, Van Monster has designed a unique infographic which shows how people can save up to £1,000 on monthly rent by living in a van.

The infographic explains that more Brits are now getting interested moving in a van, as it can help them save a great deal of money. There are pros of living in a van such as it’s free by law, no need of extra transport, no rental charges and no bills. However, the cons include parking cost, fuel cost and more.

Furthermore, the graphic also shows the initial cost required for vehicle renovation, power, new tires and miscellaneous things. A US citizen customized her 1999 Chevy Express and it costed her around £8,476. It gives a good idea to anyone who’s worried about the budget.

The infographic also renders tips which could be very handy for those living in a van. These include not showing any sign of wealth (for example a satellite dish) to save yourself from thieves, park in a safe place and stay alert from police as they can ask you to move the van.

This infographic is extremely useful and informative for anyone who is looking forward to save his monthly rent by opting for Vanlife. Scroll down to read the full infographic.

Here are the examples/previously published infographics:

Van Monster #VanLife v2

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